
會員續費 Members Renewal




To renew, please click the below payment options, complete the payment and your account will be renewed. You can select a different payment schedule from your previous membership period. If you wish to change your credit card, please email us first. Please make sure you insert the same email address in order for payments to match.

£40 ≈ ¥350
£24 ≈ ¥210
£4 ≈ ¥35

* 郵箱將是會員聯繫的主要方式。若您入會後偶爾收不到會員通訊,請留意您的垃圾郵件(spam)文件夾或垃圾箱,群發的電郵有時會被誤歸入那裡。若您用的是 Gmail 網頁版,請留意 Promotions 這個標籤頁。另外,請考慮把 [email protected] 這個地址加入您的通訊錄,這樣可以提高電郵的送達率。

** 支持支付寶和帶有 Visa / MasterCard / American Express / Discover / Diners Club / JCB 標誌的信用卡。結算幣種為英鎊。非英鎊支付方式的匯率以您銀行實際結算日為準。

* Your email address is the main way we contact you. If you did not receive monthly membership newsletter, please check your spam folder. Please consider adding members[at]thetype.com to your contact book to improve deliverance.

** Please pay with Alipay or a credit card with Visa / MasterCard / American Express / Discover / Diners Club / JCB logos. You will be paying GBP (£) and the exchange rate is determined on the day by payment providers.